Welcome to

Women of Faith Page

Our Motto:


“Make you His service your delight, He’ll make your wants His care.”

MHB 427 Verse 6


Our Mission is to organize Women in the church to come together as Women in Christ; love God, to seek and do his will and walk in obedience to his word. Also to take care, support our homes/families and the church in building a Christian home.

Additionally, we seek to promote the spiritual growth of women in the church through bible studies/discussions, fasting and praying. Finally, to train our children/youth to grow up in the knowledge and fear of the lord.

Currently our membership stands at 35 of which 26 are active. Our meetings are held twice monthly; second Sunday of the month at the church premises and every fourth Thursday of the month online (conference call). We also meet online every Thursday for Prayers. During our meetings we pray, read and study the bible, discuss the fellowship’s goals and plan future events and activities for the group.


  • Annual conference – We attended our 11th year conference of the Association of Ghanaian United Methodist Women’s fellowship -North America, which was held in Long Island from June 28-30, 2019. It was a success and we thank God.
  • Circuit meeting – We attended a circuit meeting with executives from the various churches in Woodbridge, Virginia from September 13-15 to revise the National by Laws.
  • Invitation -We honored two invitations by our sisters in Queens and Long Island for their Women’s Fellowship Anniversary.
  • Visitation -We visited our members and non-members alike who were bereaved, the sick and those recovering from sickness to offer them support through songs, prayers, words of encouragement and advice. We also provided our sisters with spiritual, emotional, physical as well as financial support. Also, we visited our sisters who lost their family members and offered our condolences in prayers and words of encouragement. We support our fellow members’ children in their weddings.


  • Lack of participation in online prayer meetings
  • Decreased attendance at meetings at the church
  • Decreased member participation in the activities of the fellowship


Two of our sisters moved; one to Ghana and the other to Texas. We wish them success at their new locations. 

Goals for the coming year:

  • Will have an open discussion and invite members to share new ideas on how to motivate us to be active in the activities of the fellowship
  • Continue online prayer meetings for spiritual revival, and growth of the fellowship
  • Will continue to supervise The Girls Fellowship and collaborate with the caretakers for innovative ideas to attract more young girls in the church
  • Encourage members to attend meetings and participate in the activities of the fellowship
  • Invite a doctor or nurse to educate the group on health issues such as high blood pressure diabetes, diets and exercise
  • Organize a seminar on marriage
  • Plan more activities and outreach programs in the community


 Our special thanks to our pastor, leaders, Men’s Fellowship and members of the congregation for their great work, support, guidance and direction, especially during our conference. May God continue to richly bless you in all your endeavors. 

 We hope and pray that God will help us fulfill our set goals to glorify His name.

 “Nyame n’edwuma  na hwe , ama wodze akodo”