Welcome to

Susanna Wesley's Page


In 2016, during the meetings of Association of the Ghanaian United Methodist Churches (AGUMC), Ghana Wesley UMC, Brooklyn had no SUWMA representation; a very important observation by Sis. Joyce Donkor – a SUWMA member from Ghana UMC, Bronx.  This led to extensive discussions and deliberations the pastor Rev. Dr. Samuel A. Arhin, Bro. Joe Afreh and Sis. Joyce Frimpong.  An overview as well as a mission plan was provided to prospective membership in Feb 2017.  Finally, with the help of the church Susanna Wesley Mission Auxiliary was inaugurated on July 22nd, 2018. 


Motto: “Beloved, Let Us Love”


Anthem: MHB 444



  1. 1. SUWMA is recognized as a women’s organization whose aim is evangelizing through service to the church and society.

2.It shall be the prime aim of SUWMA to endeavor to enlist female members in the church.

  1. To inculcate in the members’ the spirit of holiness and Godly living, both at home, in the church and society.
  2. To teach members to give prime attention to the nurturing of children in the Christian Faith.

5.To assist in training and welfare of ministers in the church.

  1. To assist in the cleaning and decoration of chapels, church premises and manses.
  2. To help serve refreshments and food during various meetings of the church.
  3. To embark on visitations to hospitals, the aged and destitute in the church and society.
  4. To co-operate in whatever ways possible with other organization in the church for service.
  5. To support other social services of the church e.g. schools and health facilities.



Open to all women in the Methodist Church.  Members belong to houses named after notable women in the bible.  Each House has a leader serving on the society executive.



House of Ruth – Ruth 1:16 – 17

House of Mary – John 11: 1 – 20

House of Deborah – Judges 5: 1 – 31

House of Lydia – Acts 13: 15



General meetings take place on the First Saturday of each month Online from 8 pm – 9:30 pm.

On the Church premises every Third Sunday of each month from 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm


For further information, please contact Sis. Irene Banson (347) 258 – 8471 and Sis. Cynthia Charway (347) 858 – 0082