Our Mission

Ghana Wesley United Methodist Church shall be a vibrant, spirit-filled, prayerful, community oriented and bible practicing people who are committed to witnessing to others about the love and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to minister to the spiritual, physical, and social needs of the people in the church and the community through worship, fellowship, and outreach.  

Our Vision

Ghana Wesley United Methodist Church is a safe place where everyone is welcomed, accepted, loved, cared for, prayed for, nurtured; and advocate for the welfare of the people in the entire community.

Our Distinguished Leaders

Elder Godwin Mensah

Lay Leader

Rev. Angel Abakah

Senior Pastor

Elder Ekow Banson

Lay Leader

Elder Godwin Mensah

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Rev. Angel Abakah

Rev. Angel Anthony Abakah is the  head pastor of Ghana Wesley United Methodist Church.

Elder Ekow Banson

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ut blandit tortor. Nam ac sodales lectus. Donec tincidunt magna lorem, accumsan pellentesque sapien cursus et.